Adult Continuing Education

Lyndon Institute’s Career and Technical Education center prepares adult learners for advancement in several high-demand, high-wage industries in our region. We provide high-quality training leading to professional credentials, stronger skills, and increased employability. Whether you’re looking to increase your skill level in your current field, or switch careers, our programs can help you get started on the right foot. 
We work with various funding partners including VSAC, HireAbility and the Vermont Department of Labor. Give us a call to discuss options to make your training as affordable as possible.

Classes fill up fast and early registration is suggested. You can register online or by visiting the Adult Career and Technical Education Office in Baker Hall. Alternatively, you can download a physical registration form from the courses listed below when made available and mail your completed registration form to:
Lyndon Institute
P.O. Box 127
Lyndon Center, VT 05850
Attn. Adult CTE

All courses are subject to student enrollment minimums, and reserved seating is done on a first registered/paid basis. The enrollment deadline is 5 business days before class starts. All courses are subject to change without notice. Please check our web page regularly for updates.

List of 3 items.

  • Adult Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA)

    Start date: 2025 Mid-spring*
    The spring 2025 tuition is $2,250.00, and the total hours to complete this course is 108 which includes classroom (64 hours), CPR (4 hours), clinical hours (36 hours), and 4 hours for makeup/review, approximately 8 weeks. Classes will be held on weekday evenings, weekend evenings, and weekend days. Tuition includes the following: textbook, workbook, all supplies for classroom and lab work, fingerprinting costs, exam/testing fee for licensed nurse assistant license exam (knowledge and skills), and one retake of exam/test if necessary. Must complete and submit the Registration form (Download the Registration form), be prepared for a background check, and be current with immunizations with a medical record of them. All students must maintain an average of at least 80% to be able to apply for the licensing exams which will include knowledge and skills.

    Not included in tuition will be the application and registration fee for Vermont Board Of Nursing (BON), uniforms/scrubs, shoes, and wristwatch with second hand.

    Tuition assistance may be available to those who qualify through VSAC, DOL, and or HireAbility.  Check with your local agency for more guidance for financial assistance.

    *Pending enrollment
  • Adult Phlebotomist

    Start date:  2025 Late-spring*
    Register Online

    The spring 2025 tuition is $1,900.00, including 84 hours of classroom, including lab and all lab supplies, textbook, workbook, final exam cost, and one retake if necessary. To complete the class, the student must complete 84 hours of classroom, 30 uncued Sticks, 10 capillary samples plus one 1 feathered slide, and must maintain at least an 80% overall class performance to take the final online exam. Students will learn the safety protocols and procedures of Phlebotomy, and lap techniques, as well. Classes will be held on weekday evenings and weekend days. Tuition will not include uniforms/scrubs, shoes, and a wristwatch with a secondhand.

    Tuition assistance may be available to those who qualify through VSAC, DOL, and or HireAbility.  Check with your local agency for more guidance for financial assistance.

    *Pending enrollment
  • Adult Welding

    Start date:  Early spring*
    Register online

    Whether you are interested in learning the basics of Welding or interested in practicing and enhancing your Welding skills this workshop could be what you are looking for! Tailored to you, for you.  Our instructor will meet you where you are at with your skills and encourage and guide you to strengthen your skills!  
    The areas of content will include but not be limited to welding safety knowledge and skills for stick, MIG, TIG, and Oxy-Fuel cutting as well.  Classes will be held on Saturdays and weekday nights for a total of 30 hours.  The tuition for this spring welding class is $1,200.00, which will include all lab supplies, materials, usage of necessary tools, and use of all the welding equipment. Tuition assistance may be available to those who qualify through VSAC, DOL, and or HireAbility.  Check with your local agency for more guidance for financial assistance.

    *Pending enrollment
Online Training
In addition to our in-person classes, Lyndon Institute offers access to over 300 courses through Ed2Go’s online learning platform. Find out more at:

For more details on VSAC funding, please contact: 
Marti Kingsley
Career and Education Outreach EOC
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation

We are proud to be a member of the Vermont Adult Career and Technical Education Association. Learn more about adult education across the state at their website:
Vermont Adult Career and Technical Education Association (VACTEA)

Contact Information

Phone: 802-535-3636 ext.3123

The Adult Career and Technical Education Office is located on the Lyndon Institute campus in Baker Hall on Center Street, in Lyndon Center, VT next to the post office. The office is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

There is a dropbox behind Baker Hall on the lower level for use outside of regular office hours.


Lyndon Institute is a private, approved independent, and comprehensive town academy for grades 9-12, specializing in core and honors academics, fine and performing arts, and career services.
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