
    • Photo of LI students taking a quiz at a table.

Our Students

A student’s time at Lyndon Institute forms the basis of how they learn, a process which continues throughout life. Education should be challenging and engaging, and students should have a voice in their own progress.
Our Portrait of a Graduate program emphasizes five transferable skills – Clear & Effective Communication, Self-Direction, Creative & Practical Problem-Solving, Collaboration, and Responsible & Involved Community Engagement – across all courses in all grades. With this focus teachers, coaches, families, and students can discuss a student’s growth in all areas of school life.
Lyndon Institute believes that all students can learn and achieve high standards. We meet students where they are, engage them in their own growth, and support them as they develop into who they decide to become.

Academic Areas of Study

LI offers robust College Preparatory and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.
Our College prep program offers courses in 
  • Humanities: English and Social Studies
  • STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
  • Languages: World Languages
  • Fine & Performing Arts: Fine and graphic arts, theater, instrumental and vocal music, and dance
Our CTE program offers pathways in
  • Advanced Manufacturing, Manufacturing, and Mechatronics 
  • Automotive, Diesel Technology, Auto Body Collision
  • Diversified Agriculture
  • Forestry and Natural Resources
  • Health Sciences (LNA and EMT certifications)
  • Human Services, Childhood and Teacher Education
  • Outdoor Recreation
  • Welding
LI also offers Introduction courses to many of the CTE programs for underclass students as well as crossover courses which allow all students to discover and explore their passions.

Academic Divisions

Humanities Philosophy
The humanities can be described as the study of how people process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history, and language to understand and record our world. The craft and content of these disciplines offer students the opportunity both to make and appreciate connections to the world around them that will deepen their understanding of the world and their place in it. 
STEM Philosophy
Through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) studies, all students engage in rigorous and relevant inquiry, discovery, and problem-solving. We strive to prepare our students for college, careers, and life in an increasingly technological and quantitative world by encouraging students to ask questions about the world, identify compelling problems, discover/design effective solutions, and who reason and communicate precisely in a variety of contexts.
World Languages Philosophy
We believe that language is at the heart of the human experience. Our program prepares students for participation in a global society. Students learn how to communicate and to express themselves authentically in a second language. They learn about culture to understand and appreciate the richness of diverse cultures. Finally, we encourage students to make comparisons with other languages and cultures to help them better to understand their own place in the world. 
Fine and Performing Arts Philosophy
We believe firmly that “art is a unifying language.” Through serious application, relevant experiences, and professional guidance, students express themselves creatively and learn self-discipline. We utilize current and best educational practice in each of the arts (fine and performing), as well as excellent preparation for college and or a professional career.
Career and Technical Education Philosophy
Lyndon Institute’s Career and Technical Education Division is dedicated to providing students the skills necessary to succeed in a career in a field of interest. We ensure that students gain the skills, technical knowledge, academic foundation, and industry-relevant experience they need to prepare for high-skill, high-wage, high-demand careers.  We strive to help students discover their interests, empowering them to choose the educational pathway that can lead to success in high school, college, and their chosen career.
Lyndon Institute is a member of the Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative. The Ver­mont Vir­tual Learn­ing Coop­er­a­tive works with Ver­mont schools to facilitate online courses for stu­dents statewide. All courses offered by VTVLC online are acces­si­ble from any­where, any­time. For more information, visit


Lyndon Institute is a private, approved independent, and comprehensive town academy for grades 9-12, specializing in core and honors academics, fine and performing arts, and career services.
© currentYear Lyndon Institute. All Rights Reserved.