Career & Technical Education

Automotive Technology

Automotive Tech 1 & 2  is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in the automotive industry. Upon successful completion of this program, students will have received training in multiple skill categories necessary to maintain and repair today's automobiles. Students receive  training in the Vermont  Auto Dealer Association--General Service Technician Key areas, which include but are not limited to:
  1. Lube Oil Filter/ Scheduled Maintenance
  2. Tire Service and Repair
  3. Brake Systems
  4. Steering & Suspension Systems & Alignment 
  5. Diagnosis and Repair of Electrical Systems
Students also have the opportunity to earn ASE student certifications. An Industry Recognized Credential that demonstrates they have a good start on being a Professional Technician.

Students, both in classroom instruction and lab, experience the use of the latest shop equipment. We use the same online diagnostic libraries that independent and factory shops use. Over half of the total program time is spent working on vehicles. Cars are increasingly sophisticated; therefore, our text and training are geared toward Post-Secondary levels of education. Problem-solving and computer literacy and application will all be utilized in Automotive Diagnosis.  Additional resources can be accessed below.

Dual Enrollment

Students enrolled in many of the CTE programs automatically earn college credit for their work. In partnership with the Community College of Vermont (CCV), students graduate from their CTE program with the credits from two or more courses, which can be transferred to any accredited college in the US.


Lyndon Institute is a private, approved independent, and comprehensive town academy for grades 9-12, specializing in core and honors academics, fine and performing arts, and career services.
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