
Booster Club

Booster Club

Lyndon Institute is known for having an inclusive and caring community. The LI Booster Club wanted to make sure we followed suit and have changed our mission statement. We want to make sure that the ENTIRE LI community has access to support from us. 

We are looking for community members that want to help support this mission of lifting ALL students of Lyndon Institute up and supporting them in their endeavors. This could mean that you would be available to chaperone trips, you might be able to help organize a craft fair, maybe you want to help hand out programs at a play, volunteer at sporting events, or make goodie bags for our band members that are heading to competition. The list is endless of ways to make sure our students feel cared for and supported by our whole community. 

Part of this “new look” Booster Club is to publish quarterly newsletters to the larger community about opportunities we are supporting to help the greater LI community. So be on the lookout for a newsletter from time to time with opportunities to help. 
We believe everyone likes to help and support. We also understand people like to provide support in different ways. You don’t have to attend our monthly meetings to be involved. For more information email:

Our Opportunities

Let us know what volunteer opportunity best suits you.
No Experience Necessary

List of 2 items.

  • Become a Member

    As a member, you are expected to:
    • Be a member for at least one year (Members are voted in at the annual meeting in June)
    • Attend Meetings
    • Participate in brainstorming and decision making
    • Participate in any sub-committees that are formed
  • Become a Volunteer:

    As a volunteer:
    • You will be sent communications about events, games, etc. that we need volunteers for and you can sign up based on your interests and availability.


Lyndon Institute is a private, approved independent, and comprehensive town academy for grades 9-12, specializing in core and honors academics, fine and performing arts, and career services.
© currentYear Lyndon Institute. All Rights Reserved.