What have you done since graduating from LI?
I have taught high school English, published seven novels, and operated a vacation rental business.
Tell us about your family.
I married Erica Stahler, and we have two children, Julian and Maida.
How many people in your family graduated from LI?
My father, David Stahler ‘65, siblings, Daniel Stahler ‘92 and Nathan Stahler ‘96, and son Julian ’20. Next in line is soon to be alumna, Maida ’25!
What are you most proud of from your LI experience?
Serving as an English teacher here at Lyndon Institute for 28 years!
Who was your favorite teacher at LI?
It is kind of a tie between Burt Porter and John Padden
What was your favorite lunch from the cafeteria?
Rhonda Boivin’s Turkey Tetrazzini with Dixie Delights for dessert
Which class helped you the most with your future endeavors?
Probably Burt Porter’s AP English class - it’s where I really learned to write
What was your favorite tie you wore for dress-up day?
A brown knit tie (it was the 80s…)
What extracurricular activities did you participate in?
I tried a lot of stuff freshman and sophomore year (Forensics, Scholars Bowl, etc.) then later mostly stuck to music and skiing.
Where was your favorite place to hang out after school?
The lobby outside of the Auditorium.
Did you know what you wanted to study/focus on academically?
I loved my English teachers (Dwyer, Tavares, Porter) and loved reading and poetry, so that probably influenced my college work.
What was something you did not like about your LI experience?
Only having a few minutes to eat lunch
Who were your best friends?
Greg McCormick, Adam Gordon, Josh Doyle, Nichole Ruggles, Shawn Tester and Ron Messier
If you had it to do all over again, what would you do differently?
Get involved more with Spirit Week and Winter Carnival activities. Practice harder in band and
jazz band.
Who was your prom date?
Dana Thomas ‘90
What advice do you have for students as they look for future careers or programs to apply to?
Work hard in school to give yourself as many options as possible - you never know what you’re going to want to do later on.