College & Career Counseling

Career Services


The College and Career Counseling Department at Lyndon Institute provides a full range of services for students who plan to enter the workforce after graduating from high school.

Career Interest Development

If a student is unsure about interests and aptitudes, there are several tools available to help. Individual counseling, print resources, and online interest evaluations are all available in the College/Career Center.

Resume and Employment Skills

Any student who wants to develop a resume or brush up on employment skills can access the services of the College/Career Center. Information includes: how to develop a job search, how to dress for an interview, how to fill out a job application, and how to write a cover letter. Independent study work experiences can be organized through the College/Career Center. Summer work and other employment opportunities are posted as they become available.

Career Workshops

During the course of the school year several career workshops are available to students both at Lyndon Institute and at other locations. Young women have the opportunity each year to attend the "Women Can Do!" event at Vermont Technical College. At LI, examples of workshops include learning firsthand about work in cosmetology from a local small business owner -- learning about the Vermont Registered Apprenticeship programs -- and learning what a local business like Pike Industries is looking for in employees.

Career Fair

Each fall, students in the sophomore class have the opportunity to attend the Northeast Kingdom Career Fair. The event is organized by VSAC and LI  and includes hundreds of organizations and corporations.


Lyndon Institute is a private, approved independent, and comprehensive town academy for grades 9-12, specializing in core and honors academics, fine and performing arts, and career services.
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