College & Career Counseling




The ACT is a curriculum-based college admissions test that measures achievement in English, reading, mathematics, and science. An optional writing section is also available. It is offered on six Saturday test dates during the academic year. Registration materials are available in the College/Career Center.


Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) - Each February, Lyndon Institute offers this test, which is used by the Armed Services in the United States to determine eligibility for enlistment.  This test provides information about student abilities in areas ranging from mathematics to automotive knowledge.  This test can be taken by students interested in military service, as well as by those who simply want to explore academic and career strengths.  The Occu-Find online program students gain access to through taking ASVAB can be a valuable tool for career exploration.


PSAT: This practice test for the SAT is offered once a year, in October. It tests critical reading, mathematics, and writing skills. The test is designed primarily for 11th graders, and during that year high performers on the PSAT can qualify for the National Merit Scholarship competition. At Lyndon Institute, we recommend that sophomores seriously consider taking PSAT, because it provides valuable experience and practice resources for SAT. All students who take PSAT receive free access to “My College Quick Start” which provides a personalized SAT study plan, college matches, and major and career matches. 

This reasoning test measures reading comprehension, mathematics, and writing skills. For the latter part of the test, students write an original essay. The SAT is offered on six Saturday test dates during the academic year. Registration materials are available in the College/Career Center.

 Some selective colleges require testing in specific subjects. SAT-II tests include: literature, U.S. history, world history, mathematics level 1 and level 2, biology, chemistry, physics, Chinese, French, German, modern Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, and Spanish. SAT-II tests are offered on the same six Saturday test dates as the SAT, so planning is required in order to fit in all required college tests. Students can take up to three SAT-II tests in one sitting. Registration materials are available in the College/Career Center. 
AP: Lyndon Institute teaches the following AP classes: Calculus A/B, Calculus B/C, Chemistry, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, European History, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Music Theory, Physics I, Physics II, Studio Art, and United States History. 
Accuplacer: This College Board test is used by many colleges for placement of admitted students.  In some instances, this test can be administered at Lyndon Institute in the Career/College Center.


All international students are required to take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) in order to apply to colleges and universities.
Because the test measures a person's ability to communicate in English in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening, TOEFL gives college admissions offices important information about a student's readiness to enroll. 
Students can take TOEFL either in a paper-based format or one that uses the Internet. LI encourages students to take the Internet-based test because most colleges and universities prefer it. 
TOEFL is typically offered once per month throughout the year. LI recommends that students take the TOEFL during the spring of their junior year and then again in the fall of their senior year. Students may choose to also take it during the summer


Lyndon Institute is a private, approved independent, and comprehensive town academy for grades 9-12, specializing in core and honors academics, fine and performing arts, and career services.
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