College & Career Counseling

Financial Aid


Online scholarship Listings for all Student Groups

Go to for extensive listing of scholarships and grant opportunities for all student groups, specifically minority groups.

Scholarships for Women and Single Mothers

Go to and for free resources on scholarships and financial aid information for all women and single mothers pursuing higher education.

College Covered

This is brought to you by Discover Student Loans. You will find free and valuable planning and paying for college tips and resources which include Scholarship Sweepstakes, Scholarship Search and related articles and videos. Go to to learn more.

Guaranteed Scholarships

You will find scholarships guaranteed by nearly 100 colleges to students who meet the listed criteria for each. No essays, projects, recommendations or other secondary criteria are required. There is no charge to use this website and they do not collect student information of any kind. Go to

Discover Business Degrees

This site provides assistance to prospective college students who are considering a business degree. They have guides and resources that can be helpful in deciding which business degree is a good fit for you. There is also helpful education resources from various universities, libraries, and school districts and information on available business degree scholarships. To find out more information go to

Discover Business Degrees

Once on the site there is an area to click on for information for Business degrees and Business degree guide, Accounting degrees and Accounting degree guide and also for Finance degrees and Finance degree guide, SAT Prep, ACT Prep to mention a few.

Affordable Colleges

Affordable has a guide that is a free resource which offers scholarships and financial aid information for all women pursuing higher education. They want to connect more female students with the financial opportunities they need. Go to for more information and to look at what the site has to offer.

Affordable Colleges Online

Affordable Colleges Online provides community resources and tools related to higher education with an eye on affordability and accreditation. Go to for more information on these college education resources.

CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE

This is a document that some colleges require. It is often used in conjunction with early admission applications to college. This document must be completed online and can be filed as early as October 1. Instruction sheets are available in the College/Career Center.

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

This document must be filed for students to be eligible for federal financial aid. Colleges use the document to help determine any institutional aid they might provide. Students and parents must complete the application. It cannot be started until January 1. The FAFSA can be completed online or on paper. Paper forms are available in the College/Career Center. Directions for completing the form online are also available in the College Career/Center. If you plan to file FAFSA online, both the student and the parent need a PIN number to electronically sign the document. These same PINs will be used for filing FAFSA for all four years of college.

Vermont Grant Application

To be considered for state financial aid, an application must be submitted after January 1. Paper versions of the application are available in the College/Career Center or the application can be filed online.

College-specific Forms

There are a few colleges that require students to fill out a form that comes directly from the college. It is important to check whether the college you have applied to requires this.

Vermont Non-degree Grants

For students who only want to take one or two classes at a college, or who are attending a vocational school that does not qualify for FAFSA assistance, grant funding may be available. Vermont non-degree grant money becomes available each summer. Contact VSAC for more information.


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